Monday, May 23, 2011

4minute reveals who has the prettiest bare face in the group

On May 22nd, the reporters of MBC’s “Section TV” visited the set of 4minute’s latest endorsement photoshoot, and interviewed the girls on their looks and image.
Since the endorsement was for a makeup brand, the reporters were inspired to ask: “Out of all the members of 4minute, who do you think has the prettiest bare face?” Unanimously, the members all chose leader Jihyun, and reasoned that she had healthy skin that shined even without makeup.
HyunA added, “Jihyun looks better without makeup, actually. She was born with nice skin so she doesn’t even need isolating skin care.”
As this was the girls’ first makeup endorsement since their debut, they weren’t able to hide their excitement. “Our CEO was both surprised and glad that we landed the deal since he thought that we don’t have that kind of innocent, sweet image that the brands usually require.”
When asked to choose a member that pays the most attention to the way they look, HyunA confidently chose herself before the other members had a chance to answer.


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