Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Super Junior-M teaches fans to dance to “Perfection”

Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, and Donghae recently taught fans how to perform the “taiwanmei” dance forSuper Junior-M’s title track, “Perfection“!
Eunhyuk started the tutorial by introducing himself, and sharing that when he was younger, he tried to copy dances that he’d seen in music videos, which was sometimes hard (odd camera angles, etc). Therefore, to make the lives of fans easier, he wanted to show them how to perform the dance without going through the trouble of studying the MV endlessly, and added that he hopes fans will appreciate it.
He then went on to demonstrate the first part of the “taiwanmei” dance, and said that the important point here was your expression and charisma.
The second part of the dance was more difficult, and unfortunately, Eunhyuk made a slight mistake as he forgot the exact choreography. However, they laughed it off, and Eunhyuk assured fans that he remembers the moves better with the music.

Here's the clip


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